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Photo for Santiago Salgueiro

Santiago Salgueiro, REALTOR®

Tel: 902-830-8454 Email: Experience: 424 transactions valued at $130.7 million

Hi, I'm Santiago Salgueiro.

Sometimes, the process of buying or selling real estate can feel pretty overwhelming - but it doesn't have to feel that way, if you feel confident that you are in good hands with a reliable and trustworthy REALTOR®.

One of the most important factors in purchasing a new property or selling your existing property is to make informed decisions. I will provide the most professional, informative, loyal and dedicated service in the industry. The best interests of my clients will always come first and I will place the clients' concerns ahead of my own in each and every transaction, as I am dedicated to the development of long-term client relationships! A team-approach philosophy ensures your needs are important to each and every member of our organization.

I believe that together, you and I can achieve the results you want and deserve - at no point in the buying or selling process will I pressure you to make decisions.

I will always discuss every available option with you, because I believe that only you know exactly what you need.

Give me a call today at 902-830-8454. I look forward to serving you!

Santiago Salgueiro - ASSOCIATE BROKER - REALTOR® - CNE®

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  • Historical Cutsheets
  • Public Record Sales
  • High Resolution Aerial Imagery
  • Property Reports
  • Advanced User Metrics on every property
  • PVSC Data (unlisted property data)
  • Detailed Tax Breakdown for HRM
  • Google Streetview

To learn how to gain access to this valuable program, click the button below or you can contact me directly.

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Contact Santiago Salgueiro

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