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Photo for Colin MacKinnon

Colin MacKinnon, REALTOR®

Tel: 902-754-5116 Email: Experience: 479 transactions valued at $72.4 million

Hi, I'm Colin MacKinnon.

I have been a REALTOR® in the Pictou County Market for many successful years and will be here for many more. This longevity and confidence comes from working with so many great buyers and sellers. Their recommendations to others have resulted in repeat and referral business that keeps me productive and focused.

My years in the real estate industry are combined with 24 years of retail management and project management experience and a strong sense of service for my clients. I am dedicated to job excellence with attention to detail but most importantly I strive to exceed my client’s expectations.

I work with buyers, sellers, and investors in real estate transactions spanning various price ranges and property types. Let my experience and the power of ViewPoint keep you on top of what is happening in the market. We have even more tools to help in the buying and selling process at your own pace.

I look forward to discussing with you your real estate needs.

Get the ViewPoint Client Advantage!

Clients of ViewPoint Realty will now be able to access exclusive new tools and information through our new ViewPoint Client Advantage (VPCA) program. The new features include the following:

  • Historical Cutsheets
  • Public Record Sales
  • High Resolution Aerial Imagery
  • Property Reports
  • Advanced User Metrics on every property
  • PVSC Data (unlisted property data)
  • Detailed Tax Breakdown for HRM
  • Google Streetview

To learn how to gain access to this valuable program, click the button below or you can contact me directly.

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Contact Colin MacKinnon

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