Nestled in the charming town of Paradise, this 138-year-old farmhouse exudes character and potential. Situated on a sprawling 170 acres of land, this property boasts a spacious pasture, a serene pond stocked with speckled trout, and a private...
Nestled in the charming town of Paradise, this 138-year-old farmhouse exudes character and potential. Situated on a sprawling 170 acres of land, this property boasts a spacious pasture, a serene pond stocked with speckled trout, and a private lake. While the home itself is in need of repair, it has undergone significant updates, including a new roof installed in 2022, new windows upstairs, and most downstairs, along with a fiberglass oil tank installed in 2023. With its rich history and picturesque surroundings, this property offers endless possibilities for those with vision and a love for country living. Discover the allure of rural tranquility and make this property your own slice of Paradise.
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Listing ID: 202411839