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For Sale
2,868 sqft. 261 days on market
9220 Highway 7, Head Of Jeddore 32 photos
2,958 2,868
2025 Assessment & Tax
$149,800 $4,662
Lot Size
53,378 sqft (1.2 acres)
Building Dimensions
80.5 x 60- Jogs
Listing History
6 events over 6 months
Historical Assessment
14% increase (2021-2025)
Land Registry Records
29 (1988 - 2015)
Victoria Dreimanis ViewPoint REALTOR ® 902-579-0976
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B0J 1P0
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Commercial building that consists of 1088 square feet of office space and 1870 square feet of garage space on a large 53,378 square foot lot. There are two large 12-foot garage doors and three 8-foot garage doors in total. Located on Highway... Commercial building that consists of 1088 square feet of office space and 1870 square feet of garage space on a large 53,378 square foot lot. There are two large 12-foot garage doors and three 8-foot garage doors in total. Located on Highway 7 with great traffic exposure its just 30 mins from Dartmouth and its just 45 minutes to the Halifax Stanfield International Airport. The properties have Mixed Use Zoning which allows for the following Commercial Uses: Antique shops, Craft shops, Commercial entertainment uses, Convenience stores, Personal service shops, Service shops, Commercial schools, Theatres and cinemas, Trade contracting services and shops) Medical clinics, Restaurants including full-service, drive-in, and take-out, Service stations and automobile repair outlets, Bakeries, Banks and financial institutions, Offices, Funeral parlours and undertaking establishments including crematoriums. Garden centers, Outdoor display court, Photographic studios, Retail stores, Grocery stores, Variety stores, Research facilities, Printing establishments, Taxi and bus stations, Veterinary clinics Warehousing and wholesaling, Manufacturing and assembly uses, Service industry uses, utility and communication buildings or structures, Shipways, wharves and boathouses Marinas and charter boat services, Wilderness and recreation outfitters, Composting operations, Existing kennels and Commercial Accommodation Uses. Do not delay contact your agent to get in for a viewing today. Read More

Listing ID: 202415158 PID: 40394025

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