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For Sale
249 days on market
Lot 2 Perry Lane, Lennox Passage 16 photos
Land & Acreage
2025 Assessment & Tax
$130,800 $1,112
Lot Size
138,956 sqft (3.2 acres)
Listing History
First listing event
Historical Assessment
186% increase (2023-2025)
Land Registry Records
3 (1977 - 2021)
Gail McNeill ViewPoint REALTOR ® 902-565-7669
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B0E 1K0
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This beautiful Atlantic waterfront property (Lot 2) can be found in the front area of a well-maintained new development on Lennox Passage near the transition to Isle Madame on Cape Breton. The approximately 3.19 Acre property is south-facing... This beautiful Atlantic waterfront property (Lot 2) can be found in the front area of a well-maintained new development on Lennox Passage near the transition to Isle Madame on Cape Breton. The approximately 3.19 Acre property is south-facing. It slopes pleasantly gently towards the shore and has wonderful mixed forest. A “Common Water Access Area” within the development, located just a few hundred meters away, is available to the property owners for shared use and can be reached with a leisurely evening walk at sunset. The beach area there invites you to relax and linger. Here you can also easily launch your motorboat and land it again. You can reach the open Atlantic by boat directly from the development's shore area or you can enter the world-famous Bras d'Or Lake via the nearby canal at St. Peter's. The properties are very well connected to Highway 104 to Sydney. Restaurants and shops for daily needs are available in Louisdale, three minutes away. It takes around 20 minutes to drive to Port Hawkesbury. St. Peter's is only around 15 minutes away by car and can also be easily reached by boat. The popular tourist destination has one of the most beautiful and best-equipped marinas in the area with mooring facilities, moorings, gas and diesel pumps. The Dundee Resort with its popular golf club can be reached in 20 minutes and offers an 18-hole course, a family-friendly facility with a popular restaurant for relaxation. It takes around two hours and 45 minutes to drive to Halifax International Airport Read More

Listing ID: 202416052 PID: 75225862

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