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For Sale
10,500 sqft. 135 days on market
3457 Highway 3, Brooklyn 32 photos
10,500 10,500
2025 Assessment & Tax
$644,000 $13,357
Lot Size
348,480 sqft (8.0 acres)
Building Dimensions
3 Buildings (Irregular)
Listing History
11 events over 14 years
Historical Assessment
44% increase (2021-2025)
Land Registry Records
11 (1976 - 2017)
Julia Murphy ViewPoint REALTOR ® 902-875-7689
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Postal Code
B0J 1H0
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Located just outside the heart of Liverpool, the Transcotia Motel is an excellent investment opportunity for someone that has the imagination, motivation and drive. The Transcotia has been successfully owned and operated for 35 years by the... Located just outside the heart of Liverpool, the Transcotia Motel is an excellent investment opportunity for someone that has the imagination, motivation and drive. The Transcotia has been successfully owned and operated for 35 years by the same owner and holds so much potential for continued success in the future. The motel consists of 21 rooms that include 7750 sqft of living space – 14 of these rooms are double in space and include a front and back entrance and 7 of the rooms are singles. As well, there is a 1100 sqft, 2 storey 2 bedroom living quarters. The motel also includes a 350 sqft laundry and utility area and a seperate 1250 sqft restaurant with seating for 51, a full kitchen and liquor licence. The Transcotia Motel has had a long history of housing out of town contractors and the opportunities and unique possibilities for this business are endless. Included with the property are 8 commercial zoned acres that could lead to building more units or adding a 30+ site campground for which it already has been approved. Many upgrades to the motel were done in 2018 including electrical, plumbing and a new roof. As well, all of the double rooms are wired for heat pumps and 15 of the rooms were updated. The Transcotia Motel is located on a high traffic area, with Highway 103 only 3km away. It is also close to many spectacular beaches and the quaint town of Liverpool. If you are looking for an investment opportunity, this may be the gem that you are looking for. Read More

Listing ID: 202425705 PID: 70086053

The above information is from sources deemed reliable but it should not be relied upon without independent verification.

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ViewPoint has embarked on an ambitious project to build the Nova Scotia Housing Directory. When complete, this resource will serve renters the same way we serve home buyers. Learn more.

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