Nestled in the highly desirable community of Purcells Cove, this charming home is set back from the road and surrounded by friendly neighbours. This residence tells a story of cherished memories, where family roots took hold, children were...
Nestled in the highly desirable community of Purcells Cove, this charming home is set back from the road and surrounded by friendly neighbours. This residence tells a story of cherished memories, where family roots took hold, children were raised, and many joyful holidays were celebrated. The backyard was once renowned for producing some of the finest local harvests, adding to the home’s legacy. Inside, the kitchen seamlessly flows into a dining area, leading to a spacious living room with rich hardwood floors. The main level features three comfortable bedrooms, an oversized full bathroom, and a large laundry room for convenience. With an unfinished walkout basement boasting high ceilings, there’s endless potential for future expansion to suit your vision. Outside is an oversized shed, and parking for 1 to 2 cars. Enjoy a lifestyle of ease, with the Purcell's Cove Social Club, Purcells Cove Backlands Trail leading to Purcell's Pond, tennis courts, and playgrounds all within walking distance. Plus, you’re less than 10 minutes from the Halifax Peninsula, with all essential amenities close at hand. This special property awaits your personal touch, ready to create new memories for years to come.
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Listing ID: 202425773