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For Sale
3,036 sqft. 52 days on market
4487 2 Highway, Cross Roads 55 photos
1,392 3,036
2025 Assessment & Tax
$775,100 $17,132
Lot Size
2,356,596 sqft (54 acres)
Building Dimensions
Various buildings, dimensions available
Listing History
7 events over 12 years
Historical Assessment
57% increase (2021-2025)
Land Registry Records
10 (1975 - 2015)
Michael Levy ViewPoint REALTOR ® 902-216-0096
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Postal Code
B0M 1S0
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Well known, profitable and established Inn located just outside the seaside community of Parrsboro. This seasonal business in addition to the 3+2 bedroom owner's bungalow with double attached garage and separate commercial kitchen, dining areas... Well known, profitable and established Inn located just outside the seaside community of Parrsboro. This seasonal business in addition to the 3+2 bedroom owner's bungalow with double attached garage and separate commercial kitchen, dining areas and washrooms, offers 11 updated motel rooms and 4 cabins in various configurations. On site laundry facility centrally located for housekeeping duties. Spread out over the more than 54 acre parcel is approximately 35 acres of woodland,10.5 acres of wetlands, 4.5 acres of blueberries and 5 acres of landscaped lawn, driveways, parking, and buildings. Enjoy the crystal clear water of the lake located on this property where you can quietly kayak, canoe or swim in the calm waters of this secluded body of water. Operating typically from mid April to the end of October allowing the owners to recuperate and focus on other interests during the closed season. This would make a great investment for a multi-family or for those looking for a rewarding lifestyle change. A short drive to the friendly, quiet community of Parrsboro which offers many amenities as well as multiple venues for your guests to enjoy during their stay. The owner's residence was built in 1990 with dining room addition being added in 2018, the 8 unit motel in 1967, the 3 unit motel and 4 cabins were built between 2003 - 2004. Read More

Listing ID: 202501285 PID: 25199613
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