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For Sale
2,950 sqft. 9 days on market
5153 14 Highway, Upper Nine Mile River 50 photos
2,785 2,950
2025 Assessment & Tax
$399,700 $3,238
Lot Size
186,437 sqft (4.3 acres)
Building Dimensions
Listing History
29 events over 2 years
Historical Assessment
88% increase (2021-2025)
Land Registry Records
26 (1959 - 2021)
John Knol ViewPoint REALTOR ® 902-758-5000
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Postal Code
B2S 3A6
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Mitchell’s Rest Home is a well-established Long-Term Care NS Government funded Residential Care Facility with full staff to operate as the required 24 hour awake care facility. The residence consists of 2785 square feet with 5 bedrooms and... Mitchell’s Rest Home is a well-established Long-Term Care NS Government funded Residential Care Facility with full staff to operate as the required 24 hour awake care facility. The residence consists of 2785 square feet with 5 bedrooms and two full bathrooms. Operating as an owner-occupied residence with 3 LTC beds and bath on one level and owner occupied 2 bedrooms, sitting area and bath on the upper level. Located in a country setting with a beautiful manicured 1.3 acre lot with a fish pond. Only a15 minute drive to shops and stores in Elmsdale and Enfield and just 35 minutes to HRM, Windsor or Truro. This business has been family owned and operated since 2001. The house and property have been well maintained throughout the years. As photos show, it boasts of lots of space for residents as well as your own private living area. The house has lots of storage on all levels with two walk-in pantries and a large walk-in refrigerator. There is a large area now used as a workshop, attached single car garage with attic storage above. The home has upgrades for safety such as monitored fire and sprinkler system, chair lift to second level and installed generator panels for power outages. There is ample equipment and furnishings to perform the daily activities of operating a nursing home that are included. Personal household furniture in the private living area is not included. Also on the property there is a greenhouse. This property can also be purchased as a private home with a time stipulation. Price includes 1.3 acres to be subdivided before closing. Extra land can be included. Read More

Listing ID: 202504237 PID: 45118791
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ViewPoint has embarked on an ambitious project to build the Nova Scotia Housing Directory. When complete, this resource will serve renters the same way we serve home buyers. Learn more.

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