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For Sale
3 days on market
2361 Creighton Street, Halifax Peninsula 8 photos
Land & Acreage
2025 Assessment & Tax
$252,000 $2,810
Lot Size
1,488 sqft
Listing History
First listing event
Historical Assessment
157% increase (2021-2025)
Land Registry Records
7 (1983 - 2021)
David Surette ViewPoint REALTOR ® 902-830-0094
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B3K 3S7
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Many real estate listings claim to offer a rare opportunity, but this one is truly uncommon. Not only is a chance to build a custom house on Halifax Peninsula infrequent, finding a vacant lot without having to first take down an expired building... Many real estate listings claim to offer a rare opportunity, but this one is truly uncommon. Not only is a chance to build a custom house on Halifax Peninsula infrequent, finding a vacant lot without having to first take down an expired building is even rarer, which is why acquisition costs tend to be high. Not since 2021 has a vacant lot on the Peninsula sold for less than $320,000. The ability to have on-site parking (and EV charging) in the oldest neighbourhood on the peninsula, where there are an abundance of row houses and small lots, makes this offering additionally valuable. Whether you want to call a new building skinny, laneway, or micro, there are lots of examples of creative designs for a narrow lot. History proves this point: an 1895 fire insurance map from Halifax Archives shows a 2 story dwelling on the site that was also used as a store. This lot is slightly irregular with deed measurements of 16 feet 2 inches along Creighton, 95 feet deep on both sides, and 15 feet along Gerrish Lane, but also provides 2 options for siting a building and on-site parking - either backing or fronting onto Gerrish Lane or Creighton Street. *Siting and building are subject to HRM zoning bylaws and National Building Codes.* If building a single unit, the maximum lot coverage is 40%, whereas if building 2 or more units (max 4), lot coverage is 50%, PLUS a 'backyard garden suite' can be added beyond the lot coverage restriction. Infill, density, and creativity within constraints call upon the bold and imaginative to take action. OG House at 2486 Creighton St is as an example of what creativity on a narrow lot can achieve. Note: the adjacent 2-unit (over/under set of flats) at 2357-2359 Creighton St (MLS 202504335) is also for sale so can be purchased in tandem. Read More

Listing ID: 202504563 PID: 00154963

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