44 Ventura Drive is a municipally owned commercial property. Most the property is an asphalt surface. The lot has access via a private driveway on Ventura Drive. The property could have access to both municipal water and sewer services.
44 Ventura Drive is a municipally owned commercial property. Most the property is an asphalt surface. The lot has access via a private driveway on Ventura Drive. The property could have access to both municipal water and sewer services.
Applications to purchase land will be accepted and if an appropriate proposal is put forward, the Municipality will dispose of the property in accordance with the Municipal Government Act (MGA).
The Municipal Council’s objective is for economic development and growth and advancement of the Debert Business Park (DBP). DBP is a key economic driver within Colchester County. Debert is home to over fifty businesses, ranging in sector from manufacturing and fabrication to distribution and hospitality. DBP offers the region’s best access to markets, transportation networks, infrastructure, and available commercial and industrial land. The Municipality of Colchester has prioritized the growth of DBP and is focused on attracting new business development and business expansion. All new developments are required to comply with Highway Commercial (C-2) Zone and held to specific development timelines.
More information on Debert Business Park is available at debertbusinesspark.ca
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Listing ID: 2773