Unit 1, 300 Dalcrombie Drive, New Glasgow, NS - Pictou County

Districts > MLS District 106 (New Glasgow, Stellarton) Subdistrict * > Dalcrombie Drive > Unit 1, 300 Dalcrombie Drive, New Glasgow

Property ID: 00953836

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Property Information

  • PID 00953836
  • 2024 Assessment $253,900
  • Lot Size 17,884 sqft
  • Property Use Apartment

Property Registry Sales History

There is 1 sales transaction on file for this property. Register here for a free account to access this information.

MLS® District 106

(New Glasgow, Stellarton)

Subdistrict *

  • Avg Sale Price $240,372
  • Avg Assessment $177,986
  • Avg Days of Market 46

Neighbourhood Real Estate Values

MLS® Area Avg Assessment Difference
District 106 $177,986 +43%
Subdistrict * $177,986 +43%