1166 Highway 236, Scotch Village, NS - Hants County

Districts > MLS District 50 (Hants County) Subdistrict A > Highway 236 > 1166 Highway 236, Scotch Village

Property ID: 45166329

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Property Information

  • PID 45166329
  • 2024 Assessment $208,000
  • Lot Size 871,200 sqft (20 acres)

Property Registry Sales History

There are no property registry sales transactions on file for this property. Sales entered after July 1, 2010 would be shown here. Our data is updated monthly.

MLS® District 50

(Hants County)

Subdistrict A

  • Avg Sale Price $310,837
  • Avg Assessment $175,246
  • Avg Days of Market 50

Neighbourhood Real Estate Values

MLS® Area Avg Assessment Difference
District 50 $204,404 +2%
Subdistrict A $175,246 +19%