Loch Lomond Road, Irish Cove, NS (Nova Scotia).

Richmond County / St. Peters & Area (Subdistrict N/A)

Districts > Richmond County / St. Peters & Area (MLS® District 305) > Loch Lomond Road, Irish Cove

Listed below are all properties on Loch Lomond Road, Irish Cove in Richmond County / St. Peters & Area. Please note we use data from Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations for street names and civic address information.

Properties are not for sale unless otherwise marked.

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MLS® District 305

(Richmond County / St. Peters & Area)

  • Average Sale Price $139,110
  • Average Assessment $98,843
  • Average Days of Market 107

ViewPoint provides information on all 680,355 Nova Scotia properties - not just those that are listed for sale. Properties listed for sale are marked accordingly.